Functional Rehab in Rock Hill SC
Improve your BODY’S FUNCTION with FUNCTIONAL REHAB in Rock Hill SC today!
Functional Rehab Explanation and timing:
When a part of the body begins to pick up the slack for an injured muscles/joints we can develop altered motor control. It can result from many factors, including frequent sitting, sedentary lifestyle, poor postural habits and previous injury. We design corrective exercises to curb altered motor control by stimulating the injured muscle(s) in functional, efficient patterns to get you back to your sports and everyday activities.
Once you have an increase in joint mobility, muscle health and decreased pain from the recent treatments with the Rock Hill SC chiropractor and massage therapist you will then be ready to start the functional rehab portion of your treatment.
Our rehab specialist will be working on functional mobility and motor control to help facilitate improved movement.
The goal during these sessions will be to improve global body movement, gain control of your movement and improve confidence with life tasks, performance and reduce risk of future injury with one’s daily activities. This may include but is not limited to (walking, exercising, playing with your kids, golfing, swimming, gardening etc).
Schedule an appointment with our team at Celanese Chiropractic Health & Performance today!
7:45am - 6:00pm
7:45am - 6:00pm
7:45am - 6:00pm
7:45am - 6:00pm
7:30am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
Celanese Chiropractic Health & Performance
1924 Mt Gallant Rd
Rock Hill, SC 29732